KIKAGAKU MOYO-House in the tall grass

I’m going to get this out of the way early: I’m a Deadhead.  Or, at least, I used to be.  These days I have less time to stare at Monets under black light and allow myself to be transported into a world where music can actually change my vision.  But I still love a good, spacey jam.  And there’s that aplenty here in Kikagaku Moyo’s latest album. Whether it’s the interplay between sitar and bongo on Kogarashi or the wonderful cacaphony of Old Snow, White Sun, this is a consistently meditative, transformative record.

There’s not enough great, true psychedelia being made these days–what passes for it is usually grungy guitar and fuzz. who knew you had to go to Japan to find it?

This is a terrific album.
House in the tall grass by Kikagaku Moyo/ 幾何学模様

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